Lakeview Church of the Nazarene
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The ACTS of Thanksgiving


Turn Thanksgiving from a "Season" or a "Day" into a way of life:



  1. Using David’s Psalm in 1 Chronicles 16 as a model here is what to do:

    1. Give Thanks to the Lord
      1. Take a few seconds to think of one thing you are thankful for in the last year and speak it out loud. 
    2. Call upon His name
      1. Take a few seconds to think of one way in which you need God to act in your life right now. Think of a word that describes the One who can meet that need and speak that word. 
    3. Make known His deeds
      1. Take a few seconds to think of one wonderful thing that God has done or allowed to happen in your life in the past year. Try to sum that think up in as few words as possible and speak them out. 
    4. Sing praises
      1. Sing the song “Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu hallelujah, Praise ye the Lord” . . . 
    5. Tell of His wondrous works
      1. Tell the person near you (or say out loud) your favorite story from the Bible.
    6. Glory in His name
      1. Take 30 seconds to think about what you think is the most glorious attribute of God.
    7. Rejoice
      1. For ten seconds, Shout for joy like your favorite team just won the championship, only your favorite is God’s Team - because He has already won!
    8. Seek the Lord; His strength and His presence continually
      1. Praying out loud, Ask the Lord right now to you give all the strength you need and to be with you continually
    9. Remember His works, Miracles and Judgments and His Covenant:
      1. Name one of the miracles God worked in the Old Testament
      2. Name a moment when God exacted judgment in the Old Testament
      3. Name one of the Ten Commandments
    10. Sing to the Lord
      1. “Jesus Loves Me”
    11. Declare His glory among the nations
      1. Finish this sentence saying something about God that demonstrates His glory, shout it out so the neighbors can hear you,           “God is ________!”
    12. Ascribe to Him glory and strength, the glory due His name
      1. Think of one of the descriptive names of God and speak it out loud 
    13. Bring and offering and come before Him
      1. As an act of worship and thanksgiving make a Thank Offering, above and beyond the tithe to the Lord. The tithe is the Lord's - am offering comes from what He has allowed you to have as your own.
    14. Tremble before Him all the earth
      1. Think about how awesome and fearsome God will be to those who do not know Him when they see Him face to face. Then determine not to be that person!
    15. Say among the nations, “The Lord reigns!”
      1. Shout out loud 3 times “The Lord reigns!” “The Lord reigns!” “The Lord reigns!”

    16. Give Thanks for His goodness and enduring love
      1. In your own words, thank the Lord for being with you throughout your life.
    17. Say, “Save us! Gather us! Deliver us! That we may give you thanks and glory and praise!
      1. Say it out loud on 3:
        1. Save us! . . . 
        2. Gather us! . . .
        3. Deliver us! . . .  
    18. Blessed be the Lord!

    Sing together:
    Bless the Lord, oh, my soul.

    Bless the Lord, oh, my soul.

    And all that is within me bless His holy name.

    Bless the Lord, oh, my soul.

    Bless the Lord, oh, my soul.

    And all that is within me bless His holy name.

    He has done great things, He has done great things, He has done great things, 

    Bless His holy name

    Bless the Lord, oh, my soul.

    Bless the Lord, oh, my soul.

    And all that is within me bless His holy name.

      19. All the people say, "Amen!"


    Now you have done it! Wasn’t that a wonderful time of thanksgiving?

    I hope that it will become a pattern for you not only this week, but throughout your life.