Lakeview Church of the Nazarene
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Discipleship Ministries

Sunday School Discipleship Ministries International (SDMI)

While Sunday School has long been a tradition in the Church of the Nazarene,


SDMI (which includes all forms of Christian education; Sunday School and other) has the mission of teaching believers of all ages the truths contained in the Bible.  At Lakeview we carry out this mission by holding weekly classes at 10:00 a.m. on Sundays for believers and prospective believers of all ages.  Christian Education also takes place on Wednesday Evenings from 6:30-7:30 and on Sunday Evenings from 6-7.  We also conduct special classes and small groups as needs and as interests arise.  

 We have developed a correspondence ministry with prisoners that now reaches out across state lines and is bearing spiritual fruit.  One example is a man who is serving a lengthy sentence who had no one caring for him at all.  Lakeview became aware of him through another inmate, and over time, a loving relationship has blossomed with this man.  He has responded to the love of God expressed through Lakeviewers and has in turn blessed Lakeview with some of the most beautiful artwork you will ever see.  It now adorns our hallways, fellowship hall and sanctuary.  To God be the glory!

At the same time, Lakeviewers have gone into the forgotten corners of our community to carry the love of Christ into a local nursing home which cares for adults with various stages of developmental disabilities.  By playing games, working on crafts, sharing devotions, singing songs, hosting birthday and seasonal parties and just spending time and getting to know the residents, Lakeviewers are building relationships that serve as bridges to convey the love of Jesus to these often overlooked members of our society.  Some of these dear souls have gone on to receive their glorified bodies and perfect minds.  And when they do, we grieve over them as we would any other of Lakeview's members (which is what we consider them to be).

Lakeviewers have reached out to establish a free Self-Defense Ministry including the disciplines of Karate, Jiujitsu, and most recently added the Israeli military's form of self-defense called Krav Maga under the leadership of Rocky Frizzell a certified black belt in Krav Maga Maleh.  Karate classes are offered fee-free at present as a ministry to families with multiple kids interested in self defense who could not otherwise afford the cost of having multiple kids paying the going rate for such classes.  These classes have a strong Biblical component to them as well as teaching the basics and assisting students of all ages to advance through the rank structure of the disciplines being taught.

Lakeview also regularly sponsors exciting seasonal events, such as an Easter Egg Hunt, Vacation Bible School, Trunk & Treat, "Light House" (a presentation transforming Sunday School rooms into living Bible stories), and more to minister the Gospel to kids in our community and their families.

Come see what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ at Lakeview!

 Click HERE to go to the Global Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries (SDMI) Home Page.

Click HERE for the North Carolina SDMI Home Page.

THE DISCIPLESHIP PLACE is a web-based continuing Christian Education resource offered by the Church of the Nazarene.