Lakeview Church of the Nazarene
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

On-Line Messages

After a break through the months of January and February, we are back to worshiping live and in person with masks and distancing and hand sanitizing precautions in place. But for those who do not feel comfortable to return, and for those who live too far away to attend in person, we are continuing to offer on-line service recordings.
You may also want to look for our Facebook Live recordings on Rev. Tim Pullin's FaceBook Page. These generally begin around 11:15 a.m. on Sundays to avoid music copyright infringement.
Below are links to on-line messages specially prepared for each service.
We pray that each one ministers to you.
Sunday morning messages will go active at or just before 11:00 a.m. on each Sunday, and Wednesday links will go active at or just before 6 p.m. on the corresponding dates so that we can all participate in it together. The links will remain public thereafter as well.
God bless you all and may He help the world and its leaders and its people to overcome this disease.